Progressive Tom Hayes Passive Progressive Commercial

Progressive has launched a new ad campaign to highlight the potential savings when switching to Progressive. The insurance company rolls out two spots, introducing two “Passive Progressive” characters: Nancy Dawson and Tom Hayes, who do not have Progressive and take it out on those who do.

One of the ads centers around Tom Hayes, set in his workplace, where he can’t resist making sarcastic remarks during conversations about Progressive.

When a woman tells a colleague, named Kevin, that her Progressive representative was super helpful, Tom quips “The way Kevin says he always has to help you”.

When another colleague informs a coworker, in the meeting room, that he could save hundreds if he switches to Progressive, Tom points out that their colleague could buy even more cologne they all love.

While his coworkers tolerate his comments in silence, things escalate when Tom makes a snarky remark in front of the boss. After hearing the boss mention how Progressive promptly called him back about a filed claim, Tom insinuates that he doesn’t get support when needed, only to be immediately summoned to the manager’s office.

The ad wraps up with the voiceover delivering the key message: “Don’t be Passive Progressive. Switch to Progressive and you could save hundreds.”
This witty campaign humorously emphasizes the benefits of Progressive’s services by contrasting them with the disgruntled attitudes of those who missed out on savings.

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