Progressive Sfoot The Rabbit Commercial - Feat. Motorcyclists & Their Lucky Charms

Progressive promotes its motorcycle insurance in a new humorous commercial, starring Jamie and Alan.

The ad opens with a group of motorcyclists discussing their good luck charms, small tokens they believe keep them safe while riding. One biker shows his tiny handbell, explaining that it makes him feel “safe and protected out there.” His fellow riders then reveal their own charms, including a photo of loved ones, a bracelet, a lucky rabbit’s foot, and even a rabbit named Sfoot.

At this point, Jamie and Alan, seated on their own bikes, chime in. Jamie assures the group, “There’s really no need for a lucky charm when you ride.” Alan follows up with, “Not when America’s No. 1 motorcycle insurer got your back.”

As the conversation returns to the group, one rider decides they are just going to ignore the fact that Carl has an actual rabbit. He also asks Carl, Sfoot’s owner, who had previously claimed Sfoot was Swedish, if the rabbit is truly from Sweden. After a pause, Carl admits that he’s actually from New Jersey.

Progressive’s offering includes comprehensive and customizable coverage for riders of all types, such as Liability Coverage, Comprehensive & Collision Coverage, Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage, Total Loss Coverage, Accessory & Custom Parts Coverage, and Roadside Assistance & Trip Interruption.

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