Voxi Dancing Brains in Jars Advert

Vodafone’s mobile network for social media lovers, Voxi, has launched a hilarious new campaign in partnership with AMV BBDO to promote its unlimited social media proposition.

The spot, titled “The Fun Never Ends”, features two brains in a jar using Voxi’s limitless social media time to make a dance video, hoping they would go viral.

The two friends also entertain themselves by exploring side hustles and snapping food pics, just like any other Gen Z’er.

“We are rather fond of our immortal characters. Not only because they help us dramatize the benefit of Voxi’s Unlimited Social Media, but because they go against the category cliché of just showing young people doing cool stuff,” “Mike Hughes and Dalatando Almeida, creative directors at AMV BBDO, said in a press release.

The campaign also includes social media, press, and out-oof-home activations.

VOXI offers a variety of SIM-only plans available through a flexible monthly subscription, enabling customers to use selected social media and video apps as much as they like without using their general data.


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