Liberty Mutual promotes its insurance coverages in a hilarious new advert, featuring a dog walker.
Surrounded by five dogs and holding one in her arms, the woman explains that Liberty Mutual customized her car insurance and she saved hundreds. With the money she saved, she started a dog walking business. “I was a bit nervous at first but then I figured ‘It’s just walking, right?'” she also says. Unfortunately, at that point, the dog she holds notices a bunny nearby and starts chasing it, making all the other dogs, except one – a Great Dane – to do the same.
The end of the commercial sees the protagonist thudding onto the ground because of her four-legged friends. Taco, the small dog that gave the tone, sits on top of her, licking her face. “You’re lucky you’re so cute,” she tells the doggie.
The commercial ends with the Liberty Mutual jingle and the tagline “Only pay for what you need” appearing on the screen.
The Boston-based company, the sixth-largest auto and home insurer in the U.S., sells full lines of coverage for automobiles, homeowners, small commercial, valuable possessions, and personal liability insurance. It is famous for its ad campaigns featuring Doug and LiMu Emu, which was created with cutting-edge CGI technology.