Google Best Phones Forever 14-Year Old iPhone & Pixel Commercial

Google has launched a new ad campaign, titled “BestPhonesForever”, to showcase its Pixel Fold, launched in May and priced at $1.800.

One of the spots, dubbed “Plateau”, sees the iPhone lamenting about that fact that it is 14 years old and unable to keep up with Pixel features like 30x zoom, Call Assist, astrophotography. “You can do so many things I may never be able to,” complains the iPhone, admitting that it is actually jealous of the Pixel’s AI. The Pixel smartphone comforts the iPhone by mentioning the iPhone’s blue bubbles.

“The bubbles! The bubbles! Is all I have to show for all my years on earth the color of a bubble? I mean, millions of people have waited in line for me,” bemoans the ‌iPhone‌, which suddenly runs out of battery. “Ah quick! Somebody get a Lightning charger!”, the Pixel shouts.

The song playing at the end of the commercial is Remi Wolf’s “Guerilla”.

The campaign includes other four spots, each focusing on a specific feature, such as the astrophotography mode, the privacy on public WiFi, Qi-based charging, and folding technology.

When the Pixel shows off this folding technology, the iPhone faints in shock. “What year is it? Do we have flying cars yet?” asks the iPhone.


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