Cottonelle Tales From Down There Tattoo Artist Commercial

Cottonelle has launched a new ad campaign, called “Tales from down there”, to promote its products, including the Ultra Comfort toilet paper, the Ultra Clean Toilet Paper, and the FreshCare Flushable Wipes.

One of the spots features Kelby, a tattoo artist who says that, sometimes, his “down there” gets “as raw as on oyster bar after low tide” and this is why he uses Cottonelle Ultra Comfort. He also explains, while sitting on a toilet, up in the air, that the soft cleaning ripples of this toilet paper are made for his sensitive down there.

The commercial concludes with the voiceover saying the tagline “The right kind of care for everybody’s down there.”

The brand described Kelby as follows: “Kelby didn’t hit puberty, he pummeled it. He went from peach fuzz to full beard in one month flat. Tattoos are life. To him, pain and pleasure are the same thing. He considers the kidney stones he got last August to be the highlight of his year. But there’s one part of his body where he doesn’t like to feel pain: down there. And while his ink is permanent, the rawness he feels down there doesn’t have to be. This is his story.”

Cottonelle Ultra Comfort Paper, the brand’s softest toilet paper, is a 2-layer bath tissue made with fibers that are 100% biodegradable and safe for sewers and septic tanks. It features a unique CleaningRipples Texture to help you absorb more moisture for a more comfortable clean and is 3x more absorbent, 3x thicker, and 3x stronger.

Cottonelle’s “Tales from down there” campaign also features Margaret, or Marge, a hot-blooded neighborhood baker, Alfred, who was voted San Diego’s #1 Ghost and Goblin Tour three years running, and Connie, a dentist also called “the Pillager of Plaque” and “the Crusher of Cavities”, who uses Ultra Clean Toilet Paper to clean her down there.

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