Chobani has launched seven special edition Chobani Flip Halloween 4-packs and promotes them in a new commercial dubbed “New trick, same treat”.
The spot showcases the Chobani Flip 4-packs dressed up in a “costume” of their own. The Chobani Flip snacks, which blend the nutritional benefits of Greek Yogurt with flavorful, crunchy mix-ins, are available in several familiar and fan-favorite flavors: Almond Coco Loco, Peanut Butter Cup, S’more S’mores, Cookie Dough, Key Lime Crumble, Cookies & Cream, and Strawberry Cheesecake.
The spooky, interactive packaging is the first of many seasonal packaging takeovers Chobani is planning for its various Greek Yogurt platforms.
The brand offers consumers a new augmented reality experience that offers both physical and digital surprises, such as an AR Trick or Treat Experience where you can scan the QR code on the packaging with any smartphone and step into the world of Halloween-themed Chobani Flip, and Unlock a Treat, which may include phone screensavers, coloring pages, button pins, keychains, stickers, hats, totes and even a mini fridge to store your Chobani Flip snacks.