Smokey Bear Assistant Wild Fires Commercial

The USDA Forest Service, the National Association of State Foresters, has released a new ad to promote its virtual Artificial Intelligence Smokey Bear assistant.

The commercial features two friends betting five bucks on the right approach to putting out a campfire while camping. They have different outdoor experiences and each of them believes their approach is better. They ask Smokey’s AI Assistant to confirm who is right and it soon turns out none of them was right. Eventually, the Smokey Bear asks for the five dollars placed on the bet.

“Only you can prevent wildfires” an onscreen line reads at the end of the commercial.

Created by FCB, the agency that has been with Smokey Bear since his introduction in 1944, the ad is complemented by additional resources on how to spend time outdoors responsibly, including tips for visiting local green spaces and burning yard debris, as well as free coloring books and activity guides for educators and parents.

“Smokey’s an icon across many different media, and we’re happy to see him now featured as an AI Assistant voice that helps with fire-related questions, from grilling to putting out campfires,” Ad Council Chief Campaign Development Officer Michelle Hillman said in a press release.


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