Amazon Indian Delivery Woman on Scooter Commercial - Happy Mother's Day

Amazon has released an inspirational ad for this Mother’s Day, telling the story of the women of the all-female delivery stations of India, who – against the odds – blaze a trail for other women to follow.

The e-commerce company says that these stations, owned by women and run by women, provide a source of financial independence, once reserved only for the men of India, and shows in its commercial a woman making a delivery on a scooter. As she rides through the city, she manages to get everyone’s attention, leaving some of the “witnesses”, mostly men used to see only men doing this kind of work, open-mouthed.

“The women of India’s all-female delivery stations. They’ve been called trailblazers. And mom. Happy mother’s day” onscreen lines read throughout the 30-second commercial.

The song playing in the background is James Brown’s “It’s A Man’s Man’s Man’s World“. The iconic track, included on the musician’s compilation album of the same name, is available for purchase on Amazon at prices starting from $1.78.


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