Macy's Back to School Dust Commercial Girls

Macy’s urges you to “Dust Yourself Off” in its Back to School TV commercial, which celebrates not only the return of students and teachers to school, but also of smiles, backpacks and long overdue high fives.

The 30-second spot, directed by Framestore Pictures Director Anh Vu, features a diverse cast of kids and teenagers as they literally shake the dust off their clothes and get ready to go back to school clad in fashionable yet comfy styles from Macy’s.

There are dynamic scenes and fast transitions between dusty and clean environments as the kids’ old gray clothes, filled with dust, vanish and are replaced by colorful outfits, perfect for taking selfies, making TikTok dance videos, going out skating and going back to school, obviously.

Serving as soundtrack is “We Back” by I Am ORFA and BodyTalkr, from I Am ORFA’s new album, “The Thrills”.

The 15-second spots will run on network and cable, and the 30-second spot will be running online and in Macy’s iconic Herald Square store window.

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