eBay for Change Seabirds Advert

eBay UK highlights, in one of its latest ads, that purchasing from select small businesses has a direct impact on supporting disadvantaged communities. Whether that’s providing job opportunities to people with disabilities, tackling social problems like homelessness, or helping to protect the environment.

“It’s good for the mind, it’s good for the soul, and it’s a little bit cold. But what are we talking about?” the voiceover says in the opening of the 30-second, introducing eBay seller Catherine Brown of Seabirds, who says that “Seabirds (her business) is about getting more people in the water for their mental health” and they fund that through their swim shop selling swim kits.

“They sell things like this (a customized mug) to fund experiences like this,” the voiceover concludes, mentioning that Seabirds is part of eBay for Change, where everyday products support local communities every time you buy.

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