Virgin Australia Commercial - Toilet Paper Donation

Virgin Australia has decided to turn its prank this April Fool’s Day into a reality and donate all of the unused toilet paper from its grounded aircraft to those in need.

The airline has even released a video featuring Sarah Adam, General Manager Product & Customer Virgin Australia, talking about the initiative of collecting all of the unused toilet paper from over a hundred of the company’s grounded aircraft and donating it to communities in need. “Those heartbreaking images of elderly and families not being able to access essentials when they go shopping has been heartbreaking so we’re really glad that we can actually help support communities and families that in need,” Adam said, mentioning that, for every toilet paper roll collected from the airline’s grounded aircraft and its storage facilities, Kleenex are going to match the donation.

“Virgin Australia are counting down the days until we’re back up in the skies. Until then, we’ll continue to do what matters and help communities in need,” Sarah Adam added.

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