Constant Contact advertises its services in a series of ads from agency Mullen Lowe , called “Small Biz Thoughts”.
One of them features a small bike shop owner wondering why round pizza comes in a square box. The voiceover says that “Constant Contact makes it so easy to send email you’ll have time to let your mind wander” and urges viewers to try their email and their new website builder free.
The Small Biz Thoughts campaign also features the owner of a donut shop wondering who closes the bus door once the bus driver leaves.
Constant Contact invites you to start a free email marketing trial, use its free website builder, sign up for its Hints & Tips newsleter and get the latest email marketing and small business advice on its blog.
The company has recently announced that it created a Small Business Support Kit to help you make a plan, learn new tools, and sell online faster, assuring potential customers that its marketing advisors are available to reach online and on the phone.