Citi Commercial - Guy Eating in the Dark

Citi advertises its Citi Accelerate Savings in a new commercial, urging potential customers to open an account to earn one of its highest rates.

The 15-second spot features a young man who wants to save by eating in the dark. However, he keeps turning on the light as he needs the ketchup or the glass of water. “Eating in the dark can save you a little. Citi Accelerate Savings can save you more. Save smart with Citi Accelerate Savings. Open an account to earn one of our highest rates,” onscreen lines read throughout the ad.

With Citi Accelerate Savings you get security of FDIC insurance, automatic transfers with Auto Save, and more.

The commercial is based on an idea that Australian insurer Mercury has also used in its “Cheapskates” advertising campaign, which carries the tagline “The Smarter Way to Save” and features various bizarre ways to save money, such as using a bowl to cut the kid’s hair, using the neighbor’s sprinklers for showering, sharing your clothes with your significant other, relying on free samples to fill your dinner plate, sharing one set of batteries, offering the same gift on couple anniversary, and more.

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