Chick-fil-A reminds us that “all people need is a little hope, a spark, to light the way, and that can be in all of us”.
The 2-minute animated film, created by McCann and titled “The Spark,” features Sam, the little girl who was the protagonist of the chain’s 2019 Christmas commercial. Set in her hometown, which is literally in the dark because the lights are not working, the ad follows Sam as she goes to a place called “Switch Works,” where a woman tells her that “all people need is a little hope, a spark, to light the way, and that can be in all of us.” When the lady points to Sam’s heart, Sam has an idea and rushes to help restore the missing spark in her town. She manages to do that by believing that she is the spark.
The end of the video sees her and the members of her community all gathered around the Christmas tree in a town lit by thousands of Christmas lights.
The chain encourages viewers to spark hope and light the way this season by visiting the Chick-fil-A website and sending a digital note with a custom message of hope, gratitude and kindness to friends and family through the sparkhope section. According to the brand, when messages are submitted through the website, an interactive “spark” feature will light the distance traveled from sender to receiver’s location and each message will illuminate the map.
The commercial debuted on TV on November 26, on NBC.