American Express Bookstore Commercial

American Express is shining a light on small businesses across the U.S. and debuted its holiday-themed campaign, which encourages people to shop from small businesses, with a heartwarming spot.

The ad, created by Dentsu McGarrybowen, is set to an original cover of Auld Lang Syne and features two customers in a bookstore called “breakwater books,” who realize, after having bought a book, that they are under the mistletoe.

“Share Joy. Shop Small” an onscreen line reads at the end of the 15-second commercial, which directs viewers to

On ShopSmall you can find businesses on the Shop Small Map searching by business name or by location, Resy At Home For The Holidays, a one-stop shop featuring special holiday guides, virtual culinary events, chef tips, wine expertise, easy-to-execute meal kits, and much more, from a curated selection of independently owned eateries in your community, and stories of local business to encourage communities to Shop Small all holiday season long.

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