PETA Mice Lab Advert

PETA UK has teamed up with advertising firm 160over90 for a new campaign, aimed at encouraging people to join them in the fight to end animal experimentation.

The 45-second spot, titled “World’s Cutest Mouse Meets World’s Biggest Threat,” features four cute white mice acting as students in a chemistry class. They are seen experimenting under their teacher’s supervision and an onscreen line reads “Animals experimenting are cute”. However, things soon take a dramatic turn, as the ceiling collapses and a human’s hand, covered in a glove, grabs one of the mice by its tail. “Experimenting on animals isn’t.” another line reads at the end of the video.

The Pixar-style advert runs in cities with large mouse labs, specifically, Raleigh, North Carolina, Bar Harbor, Maine and Boston, and is also appearing across social media.

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