Experian Commercial - Dad with two Babies

Experian promotes its Boost service, which allows you to increase your credit score instantly, in a new commercial.

The 15-second spot features a man holding a baby girl and telling a couple of parents-to-be that they are going to be spending money on more than diapers, so they should raise their credit scores instantly with Experian Boost. “Instantly?” asks the man’s friend a little bit skeptic, passing the tablet to his pregnant wife. They are then informed that this service is free, too, and you finally get credit for paying all those utility bills, all while in the man’s lap appears another baby.

“Boost your credit scores instantly. It’s free and only at Experian.com,” the voiceover says at the end of the commercial.

According to the company, Experian Boost helps by giving you extra credit for the utility and mobile phone bills you’re already paying, specifying that, until now, those payments did not positively impact your score. Experian Boost can increase your credit scores fast by using your own positive payment history and can also help those with poor or limited credit. Experian Boost with your free credit score includes the possibility for users to view the specific positive and negative factors that impact their FICO Score, and FICO Score tracking, powered by Experian data, with notifications when changes occur.

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