eToro Exploding Cryptos Commercial

eToro advertises its mobile app in a hilarious new commercial.

Released with the title “Tired of Missing Out?” the 30-second ad features two co-workers in an elevator, going back into the office. The man asks his colleague if she’s heard about the two cryptos that are going to explode, which makes her summon him to name the respective cryptos and threatening him that, otherwise, she’ll post his karaoke video. He thought she had deleted it, but learning that she still has the compromising video, he starts telling her about the crytos.

“Tired of missing out? Join eToro and start trading cryptocurrencies in no time,” the voiceover says at the end of the spot.

On eToro you can also share and discuss trading ideas, copy successful traders, and learn how to create smarter and more informed investment decisions. The app is available for download on the App Store and Google Play.


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