Confused Free Texaco Fuel Advert advertises its free Texaco fuel offer, which involves giving eligible customers Texaco vouchers to the sum of £20, in a new spot.

“So much confusion. Free gifts that are anything but too good to miss or too good to be true. Not all free gifts are born equal,” the voiceover says on the 30-second advert, which features a driver running away from a teddy bear that had been unloaded together with many other teddy bears in a square as “free gifts”.

“Don’t be confused. Be,” the driver says at the end of the spot, which sees him speeding down a road at dusk.

In order to get £20 free Texaco fuel, you’ll need to have purchased a single annual car insurance policy through between 2nd April 2019 and 31st May 2019. Once you’ve received your reward email, signed up to Star Rewards and verified your account, your voucher will be sent to you in the post within 10 working days.

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