Best Man with Blue Face - XXXX Gold Commercial

Australian beer brand XXXX advertises its limited-edition XXXX Gold Tallie in a series of new spots, that carry the tagline “Stand tall with a XXXX Tallie”.

One of them features Roger, a groom whose his best man supports the Cowboys. “You couldn’t wipe the joy from their last win off his face if you tried. Literally. And now, on his mate’s big day, he looks like a smurf,” the voiceover says, while on screen the best man is seen ready for the wedding, wearing a fancy suit, but having his face painted in blue.

“You could paint your face to stand tall for the North Queensland Cowboys or you could show your support with a XXXX Gold 750ml Tall,” the voiceover says at the end of the commercial, urging then viewers to pick up a limited edition bottle today.

The other spot features Dave, a Brisbane Broncos fan who shows his support by wearing a pink polyester afro wig that makes his sweat and itchy.

XXXX range of products includes the XXXX Gold Australian Lager, the XXXX Gold Australian Pale Ale, which has a fresh new look, but the same great taste, XXXX Bitter, which is described as “a big-hearted, full flavored lager that stands tall and proud of Queensland quality,” and the new Summer Bright Lager, available in three varieties – Original, with Lime and with Mango.

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