Oscar Mayer is introducing, in its latest ad, the newest member of the Oscar Mayer Wienerfleet, the #SuperHotdogger.
The 60-second spot features the Super Hotdogger as a “strong, silent hero” on a mission to “go to great lengths and new heights” literally, to deliver better hot dogs to hot dog lovers across the country. The futuristic JetPack-powered member of the WienerFleet defies gravity and delivers Oscar Mayer hot dogs wherever he goes. The smooth delivery is ensured by a belt equipped with aerodynamic hot dog carrying cases and a uniquely designed helmet that zeroes in on hungry targets on the ground.
Matt Riezman, Brand Manager for Oscar Mayer, said “Oscar Mayer will stop at nothing when it comes to providing quality hot dogs to fans everywhere and our innovative WienerFleet is an integral part of our mission to get a better hot dog in every hand. With the debut of Super Hotdogger and last year’s WienerDrone, the future of flying hot dog delivery is bright”.
The Super Hotdogger, which joins thus the existing fleet of iconic vehicles including the Wienermobile, WienerRover, WienerMini, WienerCycle and WienerDrone, is dedicated to delivering new Oscar Mayer Pork and Chicken Hot Dog offerings, made with meat that is “100% ground pork and 100% ground chicken”.
The company is offering up a year’s supply of free hot dogs, delivered by the Wienermobile, for lucky fans who share a photo of how they top their Oscar Mayer Hot Dog on Twitter or Instagram.