Old Navy Cozy Socks Commercial

Old Navy informs, in its latest commercial, starring Alex Rodriguez, that, this upcoming Friday only, for every $1 pair of Cozy Socks you buy in-store, the retailer will be donating $1 to the incredible Boys & Girls Clubs of America.

The 30-second spot features legendary baseball player reading to kids in the Boys & Girls Club a story that reads as follows: “It was the night before Black Friday and all through the store cozy stocks started prepping for shoppers galore. They rolled out their runaway and decorated with flair for only one dollar was needed per pair.

The boys and girls were resting all snug in their beds while visions of cozy socks danced in their heads. ” The voiceover then says that, for every dollar you spend on cozy socks, Old Navy is donating $1 up to $1 million to Boys & Girls Clubs and urges viewers to get cozy socks for the family, in store this Friday only.

The ad, also available as shorter versions, informs that the deal is valid on November 23rd only on select styles and that there is a limit of 10 pairs per person.


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