MetroPCS highlights, in a brand new commercial, that they’re letting you try their network for 2 months free.
The 30-second spot opens with a young woman in a MetroPCS store telling the employee she has been talking to that the 2 free months offer is amazing. “Yep, others talk about their network, we let you try ours for free,” the MetroPCS representative says, adding “That’s peace of mind.” “Yeah, Yeah, peace!” she answers and, making the peace sign with her hand, heads out. On her way, she holds up the peace sign to a baby in a stroller, to a guy passing by on the sidewalk, and to a street ice cream vendor, to whom she tells she just got two free months.
“At MetroPCS, we’re so sure you’ll love our network, we’re letting you try it for free,” the voiceover says, urging then viewers to switch to MetroPCS and get two months of unlimited data free, on a network that covers 99% of people in the U.S. “Try us. Love us. Get peace of mind!” adds the voiceover.
The deal is valid after rebate redemption and implies sales tax and activation fee. The ad also informs that on all plans, if congested, the fraction of customers using >35GB/month may notice reduced speeds due to prioritization and that video streams at 480p.