Booking Commercial - Families Looking for Gold highlights, in its latest commercial, that it guarantees the best price on all kinds of accommodations.

The spot, dubbed “Hills”, opens with a family who rented a cabin in the woods to spend time outdoors searching for gold in a river, while the voiceover says “At, we can’t guarantee you’ll find gold on your Wild West vacation, but we can guarantee the best price on that, their rental cabin. Or any hotel, home, boat, yurt, whatever.” As the spot goes on, the family looking for gold in the river are seen meeting another family, all dressed in matching outfits, who are initially giving the impression of being ready to start a war for that portion of the river. The tension soon vanishes, though, as they start smiling and greeting each other.

“Just don’t get carried with a Wild West thing,” the voiceover also says, adding “We guarantee the best price on all kinds of accommodations”.

In 2017, became the subject of a petition that asked the company to stop dissing teachers to sell vacations, after the “Kindergarten” commercial, which featured a teacher among children saying there’s nothing more important to her than her vacation and saying that, thanks to, she can start relaxing even before the vacation begins.
