Aaron Rodgers in State Farm Commercial

Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers stars in a new State Farm commercial, together with his dog, Rigsbee, and his teammate Clay Matthews.

After finding the windshield of his truck, which didn’t have any scratch in seven years, since he got it, damaged by a drone, Rodgers recalls some of the happy moments spent with Rigsbee. From trips to the seaside to exciting rides in the desert, they made them all with the SUV, to which Aaron gave – luckily – the protection it deserves with State Farm.

The spot, featuring Joey Scarbury’s song “Believe it or Not”, ends with Matthews showing up with the remote controller in his hands and saying he’s “so sorry” after seing the damage he caused. “State Farm knows it’s more than a truck, so why not give it the protection it deserves?” – the voiceover asks.
