Woman in Special K Commercial

Kellogg promotes its Special K Red Berries Cereal in a new ad, celebrating women, described as “amazing”.

“Women are amazing. Our bodies grow babies, we run marathons, companies and solve problems. How? We eat! Almonds, strawberries, quinoa, and yeah, we eat chocolate. We eat in sweatpants, in skirts. We eat alone and together. Women eat.” – says a woman in the 15-second spot, who seems to eat Special K Red Berries for breakfast, as a snack at the office or on the go, and in the evening, when she craves for something.

Other several women are shown eating Special K products in various moments of the day, such as after running and solving various problems related to work and kids.

“We don’t get it, we own it!” – says the woman at the end of the spot, taking a spoonful of Special K Red Berries.

The Special K Nourish line has wholesome ingredients so you can feel confident giving your body what it needs, according to the brand, that offers a variety of products, such as Special K Nourish Cranberry Almond Chewy Nut Bar, Special K Nourish® Dark Chocolate Pistachio Bites, Special K Nourish Caramel Almond Sea Salt Chewy Nut Bar, Special K Nourish Chocolate Coconut Cashew Chewy Nut Bar, Special K Nourish Blueberry Almond Quinoa Bites, and Special K Nourish Chocolate Almond Chewy Nut Bar.
