Bayer promotes the K9 Advantix II in a hilarious commercial, starring a talking dog.
The 20-second spot is created like a blooper reel featuring a dog standing on his back legs with his front legs up on the fence saying his line to the camera. “K9 Advantix II kills fleas, tiks, and mosquitoes through contact. No bitting required.” – states the dog. The director, who shouts “Cut”, has something to comment about the animal’s acting skills. “It’s good, but I’m not feeling it. Especially the ‘No biting required’ line.” – says the director, making the dog lose his patience and leave the set, mocking him. “Ah, no biting required. Somebody get his guy a muzzle”.
The commercial ends with the voiceover inviting you to get the full story and saying that K9 Advantix II from Bayer is a “wise choice”.