Haribo Sour Gold-Bears bring the whole hockey team together in a new commercial created, once again, with kids voiceovers.
The 30-second spot features the team members having, after a training, Haribo Sour Gold Bears from their coach. As they start indulging themselves, they also share their thoughts about the gummy candy bears. “They taste a little sweet and sour”, “They feel like… a little bit lemony”, “It feels funny”, “These bears are dancing on my tongue” – are some of their impressions, all expressed with kid voices.
At some point, one of them reminds his mates that “this is ice hokey, not dance party”, but the next second he starts dancing, which makes all the others laughing out loud.
Haribo Sour Gold-Bears come with a soury, tangy coating, in the flavors lemon, orange, pineapple, raspberry and strawberry.