The multinational chemical, pharmaceutical and life sciences company Bayer has launched a new commercial, urging viewers to use Advantage II for cats to “fight the misery of infesting fleas”.
Aiming to highlight that, when your cat has fleas, you have fleas, as well, the 30-second spot features a huge flea sitting in an armchair while the cat’s owner is vacuuming, sitting on the couch next to the cat’s owner and watching a movie with her, and leaning on a pillow, on the bed, at night, near the cat’s owner, all under the cat’s eyes.
“If your cat has fleas, you have fleas.” – says the voiceover at the end of the spot, urging you to use Advantage II monthly on your cat to prevent and treat flea infestations and mentioning that Advantage brand’s range of products includes also home and yard products.
Advantage II, available at pet stores and veterinary clinics for both cats and dogs, offers comprehensive flea protection by killing adult fleas, larvae, and eggs.